「バイオショック インフィニット」や「ボーダーランズ2」など,PS Storeにて配信中の2K Gamesタイトルが夏休みセールで値下げ
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・BioShock(PS3) 価格:756円
・バイオショック インフィニット(PS3) 価格:3000円
・ボーダーランズ2(PS3) 価格:3395円
・ダークネス2(PS3) 価格:1029円
・NBA 2K12(PSP) 価格:2058円
・NBA 2K13(PSP) 価格:2058円
・NBA 2K14(PS4) 価格:4197円
「2K Games」PlayStation Storeキャンペーンページ
- 関連タイトル:
バイオショック インフィニット
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
NBA 2K13
- 関連タイトル:
NBA 2K14
- この記事のURL:
- PS3:バイオショック インフィニット
- 2K
- CERO D:17歳以上対象
- Irrational Games
- SF
- Take-Two Interactive Japan
- 北米
- PS3:ボーダーランズ2
- PS3:ダークネス2
- PS3
- PSP:NBA 2K13
- PS4:NBA 2K14
- PS4
- ニュース
- 編集部:NY+

(C) 2002-2013 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Developed by Irrational Games. BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Irrational Games, 2K Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
(C)2011 Gearbox Software, LLC. All rights reserved. Borderlands, Gearbox Software, and the Gearbox logo are registered trademarks of Gearbox Software, LLC in the U.S. and other countries. Borderlands is published and distributed by 2K Games. 2K Games and the 2K Games logo are registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries and used here under license.
(C) 2011 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The Darkness is (C) 2011 Top Cow Productions, Inc. "The Darkness," the Darkness logos, and the likeness of all featured characters are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Top Cow Productions, Inc. 2K Games, Take-Two Interactive Software, and their respective logos are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Developed by Digital Extremes. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks and "PS3" and the PlayStation Network logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. KINECT, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2005-2011 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The NBA and individual NBA member team identifications used on or in this product are trademarks, copyrights designs and other forms of intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective NBA member teams and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. (C) 2011 NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
(C) 2005-2012 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The NBA and individual NBA member team identifications used on or in this product are trademarks, copyrights designs and other forms of intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective NBA member teams and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. (C) 2012 NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved.