農業シム「Farming Simulator」シリーズの15周年を記念したトレイラー公開。シリーズ最新作「Farming Simulator 23」は5月リリース
We Celebrate 15 Years of Farming Simulator + 2.5 BILLION Mods Downloaded
「Farming Simulator」は,比較的規模の大きな農場の持ち主となったプレイヤーが,作物を育てて販売し,資金を得ていくというサンドボックス型のシミュレーションゲームで,トラクターやコンバインなど,さまざまな大型農業機械を駆使するという乗り物シム的な趣が特徴の1つだ。農業で得た資金で新たな農業機械を購入し,さらに効率化を図っていく。
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GIANTS SOFTWAREによれば,シリーズ第1弾となるPC版「Farming Simulator」(のちに「Farming Simulator 2008」や「Farming Simulator 08」などと呼ばれるようになる)の発売は2008年4月14日のこと。ニッチなジャンルのゲームだと思われたが人気を集め,いろいろな機種に移植された。
その後,「Farming Simulator 2011」で協力型のマルチプレイを実装し,「Farming Simulator 2012」では初となるスマホ版をリリース,「Farming Simulator 2019」ではeスポーツリーグ「Farming Simulator League」を立ち上げ,「Farming Simulator 22」はクロスプラットフォームのマルチプレイをサポートするなど,現在までに数々のマイルストーンを達成してきたという。
現地時間2023年7月1日と2日には,開発者とファンが一堂に会するコミュニティイベント「FarmCon 23」がドイツのラウインゲン(Lauingen)で開催される予定だ(※外部リンク)。
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2021年11月にリリースされた「Farming Simulator 22」(PC / Mac / PS5 / Xbox Series X|S / PS4 / Xbox One)は,日本ではバンダイナムコエンターテインメントが販売を担当しており,作物の育成だけでなく,牧畜や林業,養蜂なども楽しめる。
シリーズ最新作は「Farming Simulator 23」で,対応プラットフォームはNintendo SwitchのほかiOS,Android。日本語Switch版「ファーミングシミュレーター 23: Nintendo Switch Edition」は,バンダイナムコエンターテインメントから5月25日に発売される予定になっている。
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「ファーミングシミュレーター23:Nintendo Switch Edition」公式サイト
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
Farming Simulator 22
- 関連タイトル:
ファーミングシミュレーター 23: Nintendo Switch Edition
- この記事のURL:
- PC:Farming Simulator 22
- MAC:Farming Simulator 22
- PS5:Farming Simulator 22
- Xbox Series X|S:Farming Simulator 22
- PS4:Farming Simulator 22
- Xbox One:Farming Simulator 22
- PC
- PS5
- Xbox Series X|S
- PS4
- Xbox One
- シミュレーション
- GIANTS Software
- GIANTS Software
- バンダイナムコエンターテインメント
- CERO A:全年齢対象
- プレイ人数:1人
- ニュース
- ムービー
- 編集部:松本隆一
- Nintendo Switch:ファーミングシミュレーター23:Nintendo Switch Edition
- Nintendo Switch

(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2021 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and distributed in Japan by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. under license of GIANTS Software.
Developed by GIANTS Software Gmbh. GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance.
(C)2023 GIANTS Software GmbH. Published and developed by GIANTS Software. Farming Simulator, GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software GmbH. All rights reserved. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes, colours and performance. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. Published by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.