Slingshot Basketball!
Prove yourself in a new kind of challenge. Try to score points shooting a basketball from a slingshot. Aim carefully and see if you can make it!Achieve amazing, impossible shots with a flick of a finger!Just try it and you will be hooked!
Are you ready to discover:
・3 awesome worlds with 10 levels each・with more coming in future updates!
・Cool skins to unlock and make your ball unique
・Breathtaking special effects&other surprises
Earn in-game money for your amazing trickshots and use them to upgrade your ball and slingshot, allowing you to make even crazier shots!Use the environments to your advantage and achieve impossible results!
Are you ready to discover everything we’ve prepared for you and see basketball in a completely new light?
ボールを弾いてゴールへ。スマホ向けアクション「Slingshot Basketball!」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第2497回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,スマホ向けアクションゲーム「Slingshot Basketball!」を紹介しよう。プレイヤーはさまざまなギミックが仕掛けられたコートで,バスケットボールを弾いてゴールにシュートする。
[2021/01/20 10:00]動作スペック
(C)TapNice Sp. z o.o.