「WWE 2K20」のパッケージを飾るスター選手が登場する最新トレイラー「リングに上がれ!」が公開
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「WWE 2K20」公式サイト
(C)2005-2019 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and its subsidiaries. 2K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Andre the Giant(TM) licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. Macho Man Randy Savage TM licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. (C)2019 WWE. All Rights Reserved.
(C)2005-2019 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and its subsidiaries. 2K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Andre the Giant(TM) licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. Macho Man Randy Savage TM licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. (C)2019 WWE. All Rights Reserved.
(C)2005-2019 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and its subsidiaries. 2K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Andre the Giant(TM) licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. Macho Man Randy Savage TM licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. (C)2019 WWE. All Rights Reserved.