サメゲーの最新DLC「Maneater: Truth Quest」,リリースが8月31日に決定。エイペックス・プレデターどころではない最強の敵が登場
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今回の「Truth Quest」では,海軍の秘密基地サイトPのあるクローヴィス港周辺の海域が新たなエリアとしてアンロックされるという。表向きは「海軍野生動物保護団体」というもっともらしい名称だが,「エリア51」という倉庫が意味深で,今回のトレイラーでも「Pはアルファベットの17番目で,タロットカードの17番目は“星”のカードだ」などと語られていることなどから,この基地では地球外生物とのコンタクトに成功し,その結果手に入れた何かが海に出てしまったことが容易に想像できる。
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- PC:Maneater
- PC
- アクション
- Tripwire Interactive
- PS5:Maneater
- PS5
- プレイ人数:1人
- CERO Z:18歳以上のみ対象
- Xbox Series X:Maneater
- Xbox Series X
- PS4:Maneater
- PS4
- Xbox One:Maneater
- Xbox One
- Nintendo Switch:Maneater
- Nintendo Switch
- ニュース
- ムービー
- ライター:奥谷海人

(c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive- published by Koch Media, Austria.Deep Silver(R) is a registered trademark of Koch Media in the USA and elsewhere.Maneater (c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive.Maneater(R) is a registered trademark of Tripwire Interactive in the USA and other countries.All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.All rights reserved.Unreal(R), Unreal Engine(TM), the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine(TM) logo are trade¬marks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA and elsewhere.
(c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive- published by Koch Media, Austria.Deep Silver(R) is a registered trademark of Koch Media in the USA and elsewhere.Maneater (c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive.Maneater(R) is a registered trademark of Tripwire Interactive in the USA and other countries.All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.All rights reserved.Unreal(R), Unreal Engine(TM), the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine(TM) logo are trade¬marks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA and elsewhere.
(C)2019 Tripwire Interactive- published by Koch Media, Austria.Deep Silver is a registered trademark of Koch Media in the USA and elsewhere.Maneater(C)2019 Tripwire Interactive.Maneater(R) is a registered trademark of Tripwire Interactive in the USA and other countries.All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.All rights reserved.Unreal(R), Unreal Engine(TM), the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine(TM) logo are trade¬marks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA and elsewhere.
(c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive- published by Koch Media, Austria.Deep Silver(R) is a registered trademark of Koch Media in the USA and elsewhere.Maneater (c) 2019 Tripwire Interactive.Maneater(R) is a registered trademark of Tripwire Interactive in the USA and other countries.All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.All rights reserved.Unreal(R), Unreal Engine(TM), the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine(TM) logo are trade¬marks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA and elsewhere.