Color Ballz
Color Ballz is a playful take on classic arkanoid mechanics with an interesting twist to it. Get a hold of the paddle with easy to learn swipe controls and bounce the balls into the basket!
Here's the deal:you maintain a crazy fun ball throwing machine by constantly delivering the balls back into the loop. This function undeniably serves a greater purpose, which of course is super secret. But then who does really care what it is, when it is so much fun?
Collect power-ups to upgrade the balls and become the master of the machine!
ボールを落とさずループさせろ! スマホ向けアクション「Color Ballz」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第1590回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,飛び出すボールをバーで弾ませ,それを繰り返してスコアを稼いでいく,スマホ向けアクションゲーム「Color Ballz」を紹介しよう。指1本で遊べる単純なゲーム性だが,思わず長時間プレイしてしまう魅力がある。
[2017/12/07 10:00]動作スペック