「メトロ ラストライト」の新プロモーションムービー「SALVATION」が公開。作品の舞台となる地下世界の独特な雰囲気を感じ取ろう
今回のムービーは,薄暗い地下世界や,その中で活動する軍隊など,「メトロ ラストライト」の荒廃した世界を感じ取れる内容となっている。
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(C) Copyright 2013 and Published by Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria. Developed by 4A Games. 4A Games Limited and their respective logo are trademarks of 4A Games Limited. Metro: Last Light is based on the internationally bestselling novel METRO 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
(C) Copyright 2013 and Published by Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria. Developed by 4A Games. 4A Games Limited and their respective logo are trademarks of 4A Games Limited. Metro: Last Light is based on the internationally bestselling novel METRO 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.