「FIFA 11」の最新画像が到着。イギリスのプレミアリーグはFIFAシリーズ独占契約へ
「こちら」の記事でも紹介した「Personality+」モードなど,新しい機能が数々フィーチャーされているFIFA 11だが,今年は新たに生まれ変わった「FIFA 11 for Wii」もリリースすることが発表されている。
また先週末には,Electronic Artsがバークレイズ・プレミアリーグと独占契約を結んだことが発表されており,今後プレミアリーグはEA Sportsの作品のみでフィーチャーされることになる。
サッカーゲームにおけるFIFAシリーズのライバルといえる「ウイニングイレブン」シリーズを発売するKONAMIにとっては,このElectronic Artsによる寡占化は大きな痛手になるかもしれない。
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FIFA 11 ワールドクラスサッカー
- 関連タイトル:
FIFA 11 ワールドクラスサッカー
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- 関連タイトル:
FIFA 11 ワールドクラスサッカー
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(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, EA SPORTS, and the EA SPORTS logo are of Electronic Arts Inc. Official FIFA licensed product. "(C)The FIFA name and OLP Logo are copyright or trademark protected by FIFA. All rights reserved." Manufactured under license by Electronic Arts Inc. The Premier League Logo (C)The Football Association Premier League Limited 1996. The Premier League Logo is a trade mark of the Football Association Premier League Limited and the Premier League Club logos are copyright works and registered trademarks of the respective Clubs. All are used with the kind permission of their respective owners. Manufactured under license from the Football Association Premier League Limited. No association with nor endorsement of this product by any player is intended or implied by the license granted by the Football Association Premier League Limited to Electronic Arts. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, EA SPORTS, and the EA SPORTS logo are of Electronic Arts Inc. Official FIFA licensed product. "(C)The FIFA name and OLP Logo are copyright or trademark protected by FIFA. All rights reserved." Manufactured under license by Electronic Arts Inc. The Premier League Logo (C)The Football Association Premier League Limited 1996. The Premier League Logo is a trade mark of the Football Association Premier League Limited and the Premier League Club logos are copyright works and registered trademarks of the respective Clubs. All are used with the kind permission of their respective owners. Manufactured under license from the Football Association Premier League Limited. No association with nor endorsement of this product by any player is intended or implied by the license granted by the Football Association Premier League Limited to Electronic Arts. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2010 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, EA SPORTS, and the EA SPORTS logo are of Electronic Arts Inc. Official FIFA licensed product. "(C)The FIFA name and OLP Logo are copyright or trademark protected by FIFA. All rights reserved." Manufactured under license by Electronic Arts Inc. The Premier League Logo (C)The Football Association Premier League Limited 1996. The Premier League Logo is a trade mark of the Football Association Premier League Limited and the Premier League Club logos are copyright works and registered trademarks of the respective Clubs. All are used with the kind permission of their respective owners. Manufactured under license from the Football Association Premier League Limited. No association with nor endorsement of this product by any player is intended or implied by the license granted by the Football Association Premier League Limited to Electronic Arts. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.