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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith(Macintosh)

公式サイト | : | http://www.aspyr.com/product/info/93 |
発売元 | : | Aspyr Media |
開発元 | : | Neversoft Entertainment |
発売日 | : | 2008/10月中 |
価格 | : | ソフト単体版:39.99ドル,ギターコントローラ同梱セット:79.99ドル |
ジャンル | : | |
レーティング | : |
備考 | : | |
その他 | : |
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[Mac]MGJ SHOPにジョーンズ博士の活躍を描く「LEGO Indiana Jones」入荷
[2008/12/26 23:53]「Guitar Hero:Aerosmith」,Windows版とMac版が10月中に発売
[2008/10/06 20:53]OS:Mac OS X 10.4.11以上またはMac OS X 10.5.4以上,CPU:Core 2 Duo/2GHz以上[Core 2 Duo/2.33GHz以上推奨] ,メインメモリ:1GB以上[2GB以上推奨],グラフィックスチップ:GeForce 7300またはATI Radeon X1600以上,グラフィックスメモリ:128MB以上[256MB以上推奨],HDD空き容量:7.1GB以上
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith(C)2007-2008 Activision Publishing, Inc. Guitar Hero, Activision, and RedOctane are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. The Aerosmith name and wings logo are trademarks of Rag Doll Merchandising, Inc. All Aerosmith trademarks and related rights have been provided pursuant to a license from Rag Doll Merchandising, Inc. Covered by one or more of the following patents: U.S. Patent Nos. 5,739,457, 6,018,121, 6,225,547, 6,347,998, 6,369,313, 6,390,923, 6,425,822, 6,645,067 and 6,835,887; patents pending. The Guitar Hero controller shapes are trademarks of Gibson Guitar Corp. All Gibson marks, logos, trade dress, guitar models, controller shapes, and related rights provided pursuant to exclusive license from Gibson Guitar Corp. Developed, published and distributed by Aspyr Media. Aspyr and the Aspyr “star” logo are federally registered trademarks of Aspyr Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Centrino, and Centrino Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Alienware and the Alienware logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of Alienware Corporation. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved. ACTIVISION AUTHORIZES USE OF THIS GUITAR HERO GAME ONLY IN COMBINATION WITH GUITAR HERO CONTROLLERS PROVIDED BY ACTIVISION, KEYBOARD AND MOUSE COMBINATIONS FOR YOUR COMPUTER OR OTHER ACTIVISION LICENSED CONTROLLERS. ACTIVISION ALSO AUTHORIZES USE OF THE GUITAR HERO CONTROLLER ONLY WITH A GUITAR HERO GAME PRODUCT OR OTHER ACTIVISION LICENSED PRODUCT. ANY OTHER USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS GRANTED. Activision makes no guarantees regarding the availability of online play and may withdraw online service in its discretion without notice.