Cars (C)Disney/Pixar. Licensed by THQ Inc. THQ and its logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. Disney/Pixar elements (C)Disney/Pixar, not including underlying vehicles owned by third parties; Dodge(R); Hudson Hornet TM; (C)Volkswagen AG; H-1 Hummer(R); Model T TM; Fiat TM; Mack(R); Mazda Miata(R); Kenworth(R); Chevrolet(R); Peterbilt(R); Porsche(R); Jeep(R); Mercury TM; Plymouth Superbird TM; Cadillac Coupe DeVille(R); Ferrari(R); Fairlane TM; Petty(R). Sarge's rank insignia design used with the approval of the U.S. Army. Cadillac Range background inspired by the Cadillac Ranch by Ant Farm (Lord, Michels and Marquez) (C) 1974.