Championship Manager 2008

Eidos,「Championship Manager 2008」を2007年末に発売
[2007/09/04 15:29][CJ 2007#01]日本サービスも間近の「航海世紀」「機甲世紀」。社長 石海氏に聞くSnailの開発精神
ChinaJoyの開幕に先立つタイミングで,上海郊外の蘇州にある游戯蝸牛(Snail Game)を訪問し,社長の石海氏にインタビューを行った。社長のパーソナリティを強く反映する,作品開発姿勢と社屋デザイン,そして近々予定されている作品まで,この良い意味で目立つ会社の話をまとめてお伝えしよう。
[2007/07/11 16:50]Championship Manager 2008(C)Eidos Interactive Limited, 2007 Developed by Beautiful Game Studios. Published by Eidos Interactive Limited, 2007. Championship Manager and the Championship Manager logo, Eidos the Eidos logo, Beautiful Game Studios and the BGS logo are trademarks of Eidos Interactive Limited. ProZone and the Prozone logo are trademarks of ProZone group limited. 'Umbro and Double Diamond Device are registered trade marks of Umbro International Limited' Opta and the Opta logo are trademarks of Opta Sports Data Limited. All other trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.