
男色ディーノのゲイムヒヒョー ゼロ / 第57回:「ヤられたらヤり返せ」



私は自分が強いのか弱いのか分からない……イヤ,「ウイニングイレブン 2010」(PlayStation 3/Xbox 360/Wii/PSP/ PlayStation 2。以下,ウイイレ 2010)の話なんだけども。
この一週間多忙につき,PlayStation 3のROMを入れ替えるのが面倒くさいという理由で,ウイイレ 2010しかヤってないのね。
厳密には「プロ野球スピリッツ6」(PlayStation 3/PlayStation 2)の「1日限定パック」を買う作業はしてるけど。「プロサッカークラブをつくろう!ONLINE 2」と「プロ野球チームをつくろう!ONLINE 2」もヤってるけど。あと,寝る前と出先では「J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう!6 Pride of J」もヤってるけど。それと,純然たるゲイムではないにせよmixiアプリがやたらと面白いんだけど,コレどうしたもんか。
……アレ? ひょっとして私って,32歳一般男性の平均より,はるかに長時間ゲイムをヤってるってことなのか? これまで自分では嗜む程度のゲイム好きだと思っていたんだけど,時間にしてみればけっこうヤってんじゃね? しかも浮気性。
そんな1日24時間のうち少なくとも,6時間程度はゲイムに費やしているトレンディーゲイプロレスラーは,今週はウイイレ 2010しかやってないの! だから,今回に限っては(も?)生産的な情報はおろか,愚痴しか出てこないわよ。覚悟なさい! もしくは読み流しなさい!
ここまで読んでる時点でページビュー略してPVは稼げているしなフハハハハハ! この世の中目立ったもん勝ち! ゲイムは使い捨て文化で売れた数がすべて,TVの世界は視聴率がすべて,ならばこのネットの世界ではPVこそすべてなのだフハハハハハ!
その点プロレスラーは試合で目立つだけでいいから楽だわ! 私なんて性癖を前面に出してるだけ! それができるかできないか。それだけなのさ,私とほかのプロレスラーとの違いなんて! ゲイは身を助けるとはまさにこのことね。この世は数取りゲイムなのだ! だから,繰り返すけれどもこのネットの世界の中ではPVこそすべて! 私,この連載のPV知らないけど! そして知ったところでどうにもできないけど!
で,ウイイレ 2010の話なんだけれども,アレだな,みんなレアルかバルサしか使わないのな。だいたい10回オンライン対戦をすると,7回はこれらのチームの使い手に当たる。まあ,明らかに強いから仕方ない部分はあるんだけどね。
でも! もう開き直ったわ。点を取られてもそれ以上に取ればいい。私は小中高とサッカーをやってきて,そのほとんどがGKだったから,「サッカーは点を取られなければ負けることはない」という思想が強かったんだけど,もうそれは捨てたわ。点を取りに行く。しかも,ドリブルに頼らず!
……と,そう思ってオンライン対戦をヤっていたら,いつの間にかビッグクラブ相手でも,大敗はするけど辛勝もできるようになり,勝率も5割以上になりつつあるわ。お! これ私強くなってんじゃん! やっぱいいゲイムは自分の成長が見えることが大事だよねーとか思っていたら!
やっぱ人間調子に乗ると神様からのしっぺ返しがあるもんで,たまにいる日本代表使いとか,こっちがナイジェリア使いだということが分かるや否やコートジボアールで来る人とかには接戦で負けるのよ。どうでもいい突っ込みどころとしては,そもそも神様がしっぺなんてしねーよ! ってところかしら。
で,目立ったもん勝ちだということを鑑みると,それは強いと同義だ,と。そういういわゆるダブルミーニングをウイイレ 2010に見出した,と。そういうわけでございます。
要するに,ウイイレ 2010で遊ぶときには,ビッグクラブ相手に中堅チームでプレイするとやたらとエキサイトできて楽しいよってことが言いたいわけ。実際に,ジャイアントキリングできたら嬉しいし,負けたら負けたで能力差のせいにできるし,おススメ。
さて,ウイイレ 2010の話ばっかりではアレだってことに気付き始めた気がするし,PVはもう稼げてるとはいえ,やはり大事なことは数字だけってわけではないので,とりあえず今後ヤりたいゲイムをざっと紹介してみるわ。
同じくWiiで「ウイニングイレブン プレーメーカー 2010」も気になってるし,PSPだと「ときめきメモリアル4」が悩みどころ。
ニンテンドーDSは,まず「ユグドラ・ユニゾン 〜聖剣武勇伝〜」ね。リアルタイムシミュレーションなのはいいんだけど,タッチペンで戦闘ができるのがどうなのか。本音を言えば戦闘は操作できない方がシミュレーショニストとしてはいいんだけど,面白いならそれはそれで。とりあえず買うと思うわ。発売日は12月3日なので,それ以降に報告するわ。あと「レイトン教授と魔神の笛」は,まあ鉄板ってことで。
それとやっぱ,「極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉」も気になるわよねー。分かる人にしか分かんない話題で恐縮だけれども,「愛花の不思議なダンジョン」を作ってもらうためにも,ラブプラシストは買わねばなるまいて。
イヤ,極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉のプロデューサー,イシイジロウ氏がこの間の「4Gamer.net Presents『ラブプラスワン』」にお忍びゲストとして来て,そんな話をしていた気がするのよ。なってない気もするけど。だから,プレッシャーを与えるためにもみんな買え! たぶん面白いしね。
ははは,でも大丈夫! 今年は寂しくないよ! 家にいながら世界中のゲイマーと遊べることに気付いたんだから! なんならクリスマスに「桃太郎電鉄2010 戦国・維新のヒーロー大集合! の巻」をWi-Fiでヤってもいいくらいの気迫ですよ,こちとら。
ただ,泣いたほうがいいなら泣くよ。ではまた来週! うわーん!
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ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン 2010
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ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン 2010
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ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン 2010
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ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン 2010
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ウイニングイレブン プレーメーカー 2010
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(C) 1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Official Licensed Product of UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trademark and TUNiT are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. adiPURE is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. Officially licensed by Asociacion del Futbol Argentino (C) Football Federation Australia Limited 2009 Officially licensed by Czech National Football Association Officially licensed by CFF (C) 2009, DFB Licence granted by m4e AG, Grunwald (C) The Football Association Ltd 2009. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (C) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV (C) & TM 2009 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Official Licensed Product of A.C. Milan Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd (C) Real Madrid (09) Official product manufactured and distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l. (C) Adagp, Paris 2009../Macary - Zublena & Regembal - Costantini, Architects Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment
(C) 1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Official Licensed Product of UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trademark and TUNiT are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. adiPURE is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. Officially licensed by Asociacion del Futbol Argentino (C) Football Federation Australia Limited 2009 Officially licensed by Czech National Football Association Officially licensed by CFF (C) 2009, DFB Licence granted by m4e AG, Grunwald (C) The Football Association Ltd 2009. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (C) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV (C) & TM 2009 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Official Licensed Product of A.C. Milan Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd (C) Real Madrid (09) Official product manufactured and distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l. (C) Adagp, Paris 2009../Macary - Zublena & Regembal - Costantini, Architects Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment
(C) 1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Official Licensed Product of UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trademark and TUNiT are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. adiPURE is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. Officially licensed by Asociacion del Futbol Argentino (C) Football Federation Australia Limited 2009 Officially licensed by Czech National Football Association Officially licensed by CFF (C) 2009, DFB Licence granted by m4e AG, Grunwald (C) The Football Association Ltd 2009. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (C) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV (C) & TM 2009 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Official Licensed Product of A.C. Milan Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd (C) Real Madrid (09) Official product manufactured and distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l. (C) Adagp, Paris 2009../Macary - Zublena & Regembal - Costantini, Architects Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment
(C) 1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Official Licensed Product of UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trademark and TUNiT are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. adiPURE is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. Officially licensed by Asociacion del Futbol Argentino (C) Football Federation Australia Limited 2009 Officially licensed by Czech National Football Association Officially licensed by CFF (C) 2009, DFB Licence granted by m4e AG, Grunwald (C) The Football Association Ltd 2009. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (C) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV (C) & TM 2009 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Official Licensed Product of A.C. Milan Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd (C) Real Madrid (09) Official product manufactured and distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l. (C) Adagp, Paris 2009../Macary - Zublena & Regembal - Costantini, Architects Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment
(C) 1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Official Licensed Product of UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo, the 3-Stripe trademark and TUNiT are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. adiPURE is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. Officially licensed by Asociacion del Futbol Argentino (C) Football Federation Australia Limited 2009 Officially licensed by Czech National Football Association Officially licensed by CFF (C) 2009, DFB Licence granted by m4e AG, Grunwald (C) The Football Association Ltd 2009. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (C) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV (C) & TM 2009 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Official Licensed Product of A.C. Milan Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd (C) Real Madrid (09) Official product manufactured and distributed by Konami Digital Entertainment under licence granted by Soccer s.a.s. di Brand Management S.r.l. (C) Adagp, Paris 2009../Macary - Zublena & Regembal - Costantini, Architects Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment