CDV,Blitzkrieg IIの拡張パック「Fall of the Reich」を発表
- 関連タイトル:
ブリッツクリーグ2 〜フォールオブザライヒ〜 日本語版
- 関連タイトル:
ブリッツクリーグ2 日本語版
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(C)2006 CDV Software Entertainment AG. All rights reserved. CDV, the CDV logo and Blitzkrieg2 are eit-her registered trademarks or trademarks of CDV Software Entertainment AG or Nival in the UK and / or other countries. Uses Bink Video.(C)1997-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Uses Miles Sound System.(C)1991-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
(C)2005 CDV Software Entertainment AG. All rights reserved. CDV, the CDV logo and Blitzkrieg 2 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of CDV Software Entertainment AG or Nival Interactive in the US and/or UK and/or other countries. Uses Bink Video.(C)1997-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Uses Miles Sound System.(C)1991-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.