FPSのビッグネーム,「Quake 4」のMac版が2006年に発売予定
Aspyr Mediaは,SF FPS「Quake 4」のMacintosh版を2006年前半に発売すると発表した。 2006年には,注目のIntel製CPUを搭載したMacが登場すると言われているが,本作が同CPUにどのような形で対応するかを含めた詳細な情報は,今のところ明らかにされていない。 とにもかくにも,この数か月,Mac用ゲームの新作発表のペースが落ちていただけに,Quake 4の発売決定は,Macゲーマーには嬉しいニュースだろう。(山)
Quake 4(Macintosh) |
(C)2006 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed by Aspyr Media, Inc. under license. QUAKE and ID are registered trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or some other countries. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. The Aspyr logo is a registered trademark of Aspyr Media, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. |
QUAKE 4 英語版 日本語マニュアル付 |
(C) 2005 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Activision Publishing, Inc. under license. Developed by Raven Software Corporation. QUAKE and ID are registered trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or some other countries. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. Distributed In Japan By livedoor. |